Mass Balance Calculator

Mass Balance Calculator

A mass balance calculator is a tool used to determine the mass flow rates and compositions of the input and output streams of a chemical process or system. It is a valuable tool for chemical engineers and other professionals involved in designing, operating, and optimizing chemical processes.

This calculator uses the principle of conservation of mass, which states that mass is neither created nor destroyed, but only changes form.

Like Mass Balance Calculator, you may also use Percent Mixture Calculator.

Mass Balance Calculator Formula

The following is the general formula for a mass balance:

Mass In = Mass Out + Accumulation


  • Mass In is the total mass of all inputs to the system.
  • Mass Out is the total mass of all outputs from the system.
  • Accumulation is the change in mass of the system over a given time period.

Enter the mass out and the mass accumulated into the Calculator. The calculator will evaluate the Mass Input. 

Mass Balance Calculator Online Tool

The calculator requires you to input the flow rates and compositions of the input and output streams of the system. With this information, it calculates the mass flow rates and compositions of each component in the system, as well as the overall mass balance.

Mass balance calculators are used to ensure that the inputs and outputs of a chemical process are balanced, which is critical for maintaining product quality, safety, and efficiency. They can also help identify and troubleshoot problems in a process, such as leaks, losses, or inefficiencies.

In addition to calculating mass balances for individual unit operations, mass balance calculators can also be used to perform overall mass balances for an entire chemical process. This can help engineers optimize the process and minimize waste, energy consumption, and environmental impact.

In summary, this calculator is a valuable tool for chemical engineers and other professionals involved in designing, operating, and optimizing chemical processes. They can help ensure that the inputs and outputs of a process are balanced, identify problems, and optimize the process for maximum efficiency and sustainability.

Mass Balance Calculator

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the frequently asked questions…

What is a mass balance calculator used for?

A mass balance calculator is used to determine the mass flow rates and compositions of the input and output streams of a chemical process or system. It helps to ensure that the inputs and outputs of a chemical process are balanced, which is critical for maintaining product quality, safety, and efficiency.

How do I use a mass balance calculator?

Enter the mass out and the mass accumulated into the Calculator. The calculator will evaluate the Mass Input. 

Why is mass balance important in chemical engineering?

Mass balance is important in chemical engineering because it helps to ensure that the inputs and outputs of a chemical process are balanced, which is critical for maintaining product quality, safety, and efficiency. Mass balance can also help to identify and troubleshoot problems in a process, such as leaks, losses, or inefficiencies.

What are some limitations of mass balance calculators?

Mass balance calculators are based on assumptions such as steady-state conditions and no accumulation of mass within the system. Therefore, they may not be accurate if these assumptions are not met. In addition, mass balance calculators do not take into account other factors that may affect the chemical process, such as temperature, pressure, and reaction kinetics.

Can mass balance calculators be used for all chemical processes?

Mass balance calculators can be used for most chemical processes, but may not be applicable for complex processes involving multiple phases or reactions. In such cases, more advanced modeling techniques may be required.

OYE Calculator